“Change Request Form” for Company Master Data Correction

Ministry of Corporate Affairs brought in “Change Request Form” for Company Master Data Correction in MCA V3:

Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide  General Circular No.02/2024 informed that Change Request Form (CRF) for master data correction has been made available on V3 portal for the convenience of users of MCA-21 services.

This web- based Form is to be used only under exceptional circumstances, for making a request to Registrar of Companies (ROCs), for the purposes which cannot be catered through any existing form or services or functionality available either at Front Office level (users of MCA-21 services) or Back Office level (RoCs).

It is not a substitute to any reporting, application and registry requirements as per Companies Act, 2013, and LLP Act, 2008, and for such purposes the Form shall not be entertained and requests through this form are liable to be summarily rejected. This Form should also not be used as a substitute for any approval related and registration related queries for which existing tickets and help desk facilities must be used.

This Form primarily is intended to be used for purposes like Master Data correction and to comply with certain directions of Courts/Tribunals, which ordinarily cannot be complied with through existing functionality of forms or services on MCA-21 system. The Form is supposed to be processed by RoC’s and e-governance Cell within 07 days of its filing.

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