Conversion Under Sec.14

Check-List of Conversion of Public Company to a Private Company:

Section 14 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 41 of the Companies Incorporation Rules
S No. Particulars Action Particulars Time Limit
1 Board Meeting Approval for Conversion X-28 21/11/2022
Alteration of MOA & AOA
Fixing time and Date of EGM
2 Extra Ordinary General Meeting Approval for Conversion X 19/12/2022
Alteration of MOA & AOA
File MGT-14 within 30 days from the EGM X+10 28/12/2022
The Gap between EGM and RD-1 shall not exceed 60 days
3 Board Meeting Authority to file the Application in Form RD-1 X+10 28/12/2022
The gap between RD-1 and BM shall not exceed 30 days
4 List of Creditors  The list of Creditors shall not be older than 30 days from the date of filing of RD-1 X+10 28/12/2022
5 Notice to Creditors Serve by RPAD, individual notice to eachCreditor of the company at least 21 clear days notice X+11 29/12/2022
6 Notice to Registrar and Regional Director Serve by RPAD, notice to the Regional Director and Registrar and to other regulatory body if any, clear 21 days notice. X+11 29/12/2022
7 Newspaper Advertisemwent Form 25A 1. Gap between 25A and RD-1 should not be less than 21 days X+11 29/12/2022
8 Filing RD-1 1. Within 60 days from the Date of EGM,                       2. within 30 days from the List of Creditors.                 3. After 26days from the date of 25 , Individual notice RPAD to Creditors, and RPAD to RD and ROC X+37
9 Filing of INC-28 within 15 days from the date of reciept of approval O+3