Applying for a Company Name: Application for availability of name of a Company need to file on Form INC-1 by logging in the portal along with a payment of fees of Rs.1000/- and attaching the digital signature of the applicant proposing to incorporate the company. Once the name is approved the name is valid for 60 days from the date of application in INBC-1.
Requirements to form a Company: To form a Private Company the minimum Number of Directors required are 2 and to form a Public Company the minimum number of Directors required is 3. For a One Person Company it is 1 and for producer Companies it is 5. The Minimum number of Subscribers required to form OPC, Private, Public and Producer Companies are 1,2,7 and 10 respectively. The minimum paid up capital for Private Limited Company: Rs.1,00,000/- For Public Limited Company: Rs.5,00,000/-
Steps for Online e-filing.
The users need to create thereon user id and password in MCA portal for availing the online services of MCA. When the business or the registered users access the My MCA portal, they enter their username and authentication details – Password/ Digital Certificate. Event based forms or annual filing forms are given in eForms category-wise under eForms tab .
At any time, the users can read the related instruction kit, available under Help menu, to familiarize themselves with the procedures.
The users can then fill the appropriate eForm for the service required. There is an option of pre-fill facility in the eForms, where the static details such as name and address of the company will be pre-filled by the system automatically on entering the Corporate Identity Number (CIN).
The users attach the necessary documents to the eForm.
The users may avail the pre-scrutiny service of the eForm. The documents will be verified (pre-scrutinised) by the system. In case of any inadequacies, for example, if a mandatory column in the eForm is not filled in, the user will be asked to rectify before the document is ready for execution (signature).
7.The applicant or a representative of the applicant will then submit the duly signed documents electronically.
The system will calculate the fee, including late payment fees, if applicable.
Payments will have to be made through appropriate mechanisms – electronic (credit card, Internet banking) or traditional means (at the bank counter).
a) Electronic payments can be made at the Virtual Front Office (VFO).
(b) If the user selects the traditional payment option, the system will generate a pre-filled challan in the prescribed format. Traditional payments through cash, cheques can be done at the designated network of banks using the system generated challan. There will be five banks with estimated 200 branches authorised for accepting challan payments.
The payment will be exclusively confirmed for all online (Internet) payment transactions using payment gateways.
Acceptance or rejection of any transaction will be explicitly communicated to the applicant (including facility to print a receipt for successful transactions).
MCA21 will provide a unique transaction number, which can be used by the applicant for enquiring status pertaining to that transaction.
Filing will be complete only when the necessary payments are made.
In case of a rejection, helpful remedial tips will be provided to the applicant.
The applicants will be provided an acknowledgement through e-mail or alternatively they can check the MCA portal.
Taking Public Inspection of Documents:
The access to public records pertaining to a company is provided by MCA portal to any citizen who wishes to view the same. This feature is available after login. You will need to select the company and the documents available under each category will be shown. You may opt to make a payment and view the company documents thereafter. Once the payment done, the documents can be viewed from anywhere without visiting the specific ROC office, using the ‘My Documents’ tab available after you log into the portal. After the payment is received by MCA, you can view the documents during the next 7 days for a maximum of 3 hours.
To see the attachment on the e-Form
You have to click on the attachment tab on the left hand side of the opened file.
Applying for Certified Copy
Now this Service is became fully online. You can avail this service by using the Get Certified Copies service. Once you have opted for the documents for a particular company and made payment of fees to MCA fee based on number of documents selected, a challan will be generated. Once paid, it will ask for stamp duty. And also after making the payment of stamp duty the concerned RoC will send the certified copies by post within 15 days of the request.
File a complaint against a company
You have to file an investor complaint form with the complaint details and upload the eForm. You are provided a system generated Service Request Number (SRN) for future tracking. To check the status of the Complaint, go to “Track Complaint Status” link available on Investor Grievance. To file multiple complaints’ use multiple forms.
Find the CIN of the company
You will require the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of the company against which you are making a complaint. Use the ‘Find CIN/GLN’ service available under ‘Other Services’ link to find the CIN of the company.
Check name availability for incorporating a company
To search for the name of the new company by using the Check Company Name service under Other Services tab on the homepage of MCA portal.